Multimedia Center of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering
Responsible: Besa Hysa
The Department of Automation in its composition has an effective and invited academic staff as follows:
- The "Multimedia Library" center was inaugurated in 2004 and is a project designed and implemented by FIE with the contribution of the Swiss Embassy. This is part of the structure of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and is a function of the teaching process of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering as well as the Faculty of Information Technology.
- Its mission is to serve as an information center for its users (students, postgraduates, lecturers and research-scientific researchers of these fields) where opportunities for new knowledge are offered and for obtaining them in the most effective way.
- The Multimedia Center carries out its activity based on Law No. 8576, dated 3.02.2000 "On libraries in the Republic of Albania"/ Article 30 and in accordance with the regulation approved by the Council of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering.
- Collections
The collections of the "Multimedia Library" Center are mostly unique. They are mainly in foreign languages (English, Italian, German) as well as in Albanian. The main collections of this center are around (1300 items): books, periodicals, CD-ROM, reference fund as well as online resources. These collections contain:
- Foreign books / 718 titles (967 units)
- Albanian books / 224 titles (341 units)
- Periodicals / 8 titles (76 units)
- Scientific papers and manuscripts (50 units)
- Reference fund (encyclopedias, dictionaries, etc.) (46 units)
- CD-ROM (168 units)
- Audiovisual tapes (lectures) / 58 titles (1164 units)
- Electronic resources (electronic bases provided by eIFL)
- Catalog Online
The electronic catalog thanks to the installation of the WIN/ISIS program (called information search software) and the Wireless LANs network makes it possible for the user to get the right information in a short time. With the help of the search module, it becomes possible for the user to search the electronic catalog (according to the search elements, eg author, title, subject, etc.) for the right information and get it easily.
In 2012, within the framework of the ERA Project (Electronic Resource for Albania), in all FIE and FTI premises, academic staff and students have access (free of charge) to the following addresses until April 1, 2013.
Consult the following addresses:
- BioOne
- Cambridge Journals Online
- ebrary Academic Complete
- EBSCO Academic Search Complete
- Emerald Engineering eJournal Collection
- IOPscience
- Multi-Science Journals Collection
- New England Journal of Medicine
- OECD-iLibrary
- Oxford English Dictionary Online
- Oxford Reference Online
- Oxford Textbook of Medicine
- ProQuest Central
- Taylor & Francis Library
- Services:
- Service hours for users:
- The center is open from Monday to Friday from 9°° to 4°°.
- The reference services offered by the center are::
- Direct service: Full information is provided to users about the materials found in its collections and about any issues that are required, through the relevant information tools.
- Indirect services: the creation of the electronic catalog and all auxiliary references, which help inform and orient users to these collections.
The library offers the following services:
- Reading room (with an area of 75 m² and 32 reading places).
- Service in the open fund of collections.
- Electronic catalog
- Electronic membership card (Library card).
- The Internet. (4 service points)
- Wireless network
- Photocopy.
- Electronic resources.
- Projector service.
Based on LAW No. 8576, dated 3.2.2000 For Libraries in the Republic of Albania, chapter II "The rights and responsibilities of citizens for the use of library services" as well as in the regulation of the "Multimedia Center"
The library user has the right:
- obtain information about the center's collections and about the collections of other libraries through traditional and electronic means of library information;
- to help with research and selection of collections;
- to use the library's collections in its premises, to photocopy and borrow library materials, according to the library's regulations;
- the right to library service and information is provided free of charge and equally to all users of the multimedia center;
- users are obliged to respect the regulation of the Multimedia Center;
Those who violate this regulation and cause material and economic damage shall repay it to the extent and in the appropriate form, according to the legislation in force.
Membership is carried out on the basis of the following documentation:
- Identification document (identity card / passport)
- Student booklet