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Educational Secretariat

The admission and registration procedures at FIE are based on the UPT study regulations - Chapter III
Admission of students to Bachelor study programs


Based on Law 9741, dt. 21.05.2007, "On Higher Education in the Republic of Albania" as well as in the Instruction of MES No. 15, dt. 14, to be admitted to a first-cycle study program (bachelor) or an integrated second-cycle study program, the candidate must have successfully completed the State Matura, or possess another study degree obtained abroad, evaluated by MES equivalent to it, or possess a diploma issued by a Higher Education Institution. (Moreover study regulations)


Admission of students to Professional Master's Programs
To be admitted to a "First Level Master's" study program, the candidate must have completed at least one first-cycle study program in the relevant field of study or in other fields of study. approximate, defined in the MNP study program. The faculty responsible for the MNP study program may establish other specific criteria to enter the MNP, which are made public for each program before the start of admissions to them. These criteria are defined in the teaching regulations of the relevant study program. The selection of candidates is done through competition with files. (Moreover study regulations)


Admission of students to Master of Science study programs
To be admitted to a second-cycle study program, the candidate must have a DNP degree in the relevant field of study or in other related fields defined in the relevant study program of the second cycle. For each second cycle study program, the responsible faculties define specific criteria for DNP study programs that can be continued without or with formation credits, which are made public for each program before the start of admissions. These criteria are defined in the teaching regulations of the study program. The selection of candidates is based on the approved quotas and the results achieved.
Transfer conditions to the following year according to article 24 of chapter V of the UPT study regulations

  • The academic year ends at the end of the fall term.
  • For all study programs, the first-year student moves to the second year if he has received no less than 50% of the credits (30 credits) of the first year.
  • The second year student moves on to the third year, if he has received no less than 80 credits of which 50 credits from the first year.
  • For integrated second-cycle study programs, the third-year student moves to the fourth year if he has received no less than 140 credits of which all first- and second-year credits.
  • The fourth-year student is transferred to the fifth year if he has taken at least 200 credits of which all the credits of the first, second and third years.
  • A student who does not meet the criteria to transfer to the next year has the following rights and obligations:
  • All paid obligations are recognized when the programs of the relevant subjects are acceptable for the following year.
  • He can attend the courses for which he has been assessed as outstanding and is obliged to attend the courses for which he is obliged to attend.
  • It must pay off the new obligations that arise due to the change in the curriculum plan.
  • Must pay tuition fee.