


How was our faculty created?


The Polytechnic Institute is founded in Tirana; the Faculty of Electrical Engineering also participated in it.


The system without severance from work for the preparation of Electrical Engineers began.


With an official letter, the Electrotechnical Faculty and its first chairs are approved.


On September 16, the State University of Tirana was founded, which included the Polytechnic Institute with four branches.


The former Electricity branch was divided into two profiles: Electrification of Industry and Power Plants.


The Faculty of Engineering is divided into two faculties: the Faculty of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering (FIME) and the Faculty of Civil Engineering (FIN).


The former State University of Tirana (USHT) is divided into two Universities: the Polytechnic University of Tirana (UPT) which acquires the status of an independent public university which had in its composition the engineering faculties that were separated from (USHT) with 4 faculties, among which the Faculty of Electrical Engineering with two Departments, Electrical and Electronic.


Based on the proposal of UPT, the School of Distance Education is approved by MES.


With the proposal of MES and VKM, the former Faculty of Electrical Engineering (FIE) (1991-2007) is divided into two faculties: the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and the Faculty of Information Engineering. The Faculty of Electrical Engineering has three departments:

1. Department of Electrical Power Systems 
2. Department of Electrotechnics
3. Department of Automation

1951 – The Polytechnic Institute is founded in Tirana; the Faculty of Electrical Engineering also participated in it. 
1953 – The system without severance from work for the preparation of Electrical Engineers began.
1954 – With an official letter, the Electrotechnical Faculty and its first chairs are approved.
1957 – On September 16, the State University of Tirana was founded, which included the Polytechnic Institute with four branches.
1969 – The former Electricity branch was divided into two profiles: Electrification of Industry and Power Plants.
1983 – The Faculty of Engineering is divided into two faculties: the Faculty of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering (FIME) and the Faculty of Civil Engineering (FIN).
1991 – Ish Universiteti Shtetëror i Tiranës(USHT) ndahet në dy Universitete:
Universiteti Politeknik i Tiranës(UPT) që fiton statusin e një universiteti publik të pavarur i cili kishte në përbërjen e tij fakultetet inxhinierike që u shkëputën nga (USHT) me 4 fakultete, ndër të cilët Fakulteti i Inxhinierisë Elektrike me dy Departamente, Elektrik dhe Elektronik.
1996 – Based on the proposal of UPT, the School of Distance Education is approved by MES.
2008 – With the proposal of MES and VKM, the former Faculty of Electrical Engineering (FIE) (1991-2007) is divided into two faculties: the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and the Faculty of Information Engineering. The Faculty of Electrical Engineering has three departments:

1. Department of Electrical Power Systems 
2. Department of Electrotechnics
3. Department of Automation

The Faculty of Electrical Engineering was established as an integral part of the Higher Polytechnic Institute in 1951. At first it was called the Electrical Branch and in 1952 it was named the Electrical Faculty. The Faculty of Electrical Engineering is the first higher school in Albania for the preparation of senior specialists in the fields of electricity and power.
The training of senior electrical engineering specialists in Albania dates back to 1951, in the Department of Electrical Engineering, which was an integral part of the Higher Polytechnic Institute, until 1957, the year in which, with the creation of the University of Tirana, it became integral part of it. Initially, electrical engineering was a branch of the faculty of engineering, which in turn included the branches of construction engineering, mechanical and geological engineering.

In 1962, the Faculty of Geology emerged as a separate faculty from the Faculty of Engineering, and in 1983, the Faculty of Civil Engineering was separated. Until 1991, the year in which the Polytechnic University was established, the Department of Electrical Engineering was an integral part of the Faculty of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering. The Faculty of Electrical Engineering was formed as an independent unit of the Polytechnic University in 1991. The organization of F.I.E. in the department continued until 1994 and after this year the organization was made on a departmental basis.
In 2007, with VKM No. 824, dated 5.12.2007 "For the creation of several main units, faculties, at the Polytechnic University of Tirana" the reorganization of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, which is still today composed of 3 departments as follows:

  1. Department of Electrical Power Systems
  2. Department of Electrical Engineering
  3. Department of Automation